Where can GTA 5 players find a Pegassi Monroe?

Sports classics maintain a luxurious appearance while providing good performance stats. The Pegassi Monroe is one such vehicle in GTA 5. It's also one of the best of its class, and players could certainly use one in their garage.

Sports classics maintain a luxurious appearance while providing good performance stats. The Pegassi Monroe is one such vehicle in GTA 5. It's also one of the best of its class, and players could certainly use one in their garage.

There are two ways to obtain the Monroe. One of them is expensive while the other is free. However, the latter has a very specific time frame. Here's what GTA 5 players should know about the splendid Monroe.

GTA 5: How to get a Pegassi Monroe

This article will only go over the GTA 5 counterpart. It will not cover the one from GTA Online.

Go to Legendary Motorsport

GTA 5 players will not find this vehicle in the streets. Instead, they have to purchase it online from a website called Legendary Motorsport. Players will need to save up money to consider this vehicle.

The Pegassi Monroe costs $490,000. GTA 5 players should have enough cash to spend by the end of the game. The Monroe stands out in its own class and backs up its price tag with great performance.

Alternatively, players can get it for free

Pack Man is a late mission in GTA 5. Franklin has to steal a Pegassi Monroe and bring it back to Devin Weston. Alternatively, he can steal it for himself. All he has to do is customize it at a local body shop.

GTA 5 players need to fail the mission shortly afterwards. The Monroe will show up at a local impound costing only $250. This is one of the best methods to obtain the rare vehicle.

Franklin can always put the Monroe in his garage. He can also give it to Michael or Trevor. However, both characters have to be next to each other.

Overall performance

The Pegassi Monroe ranks highly in terms of top speed. It's one of the fastest within its class. According to Broughy1332, it can go 122 miles per hour. This has been accurately tested within GTA 5.

The Monroe has very few rivals in sports classics. It's only beaten by the expensive Z-Type in GTA 5.

Acceleration is one of its stronger points. The Monroe will reach top speeds very quickly. It can also carry itself with superb handling, which is particularly useful for making tight corners. Unfortunately, it can understeer at times.

This sports classic takes clear inspiration from the Lamborghini Miura. GTA 5 players may consider it one of the flashier vehicles, and it really stands out with bright paint jobs.

Miscellaneous information

GTA 5 players will notice this vehicle has default radio stations. This applies to most cars in general. The Pegassi Monroe plays the following stations:

  • Los Santos Rock Radio
  • Vinewood Boulevard Radio
  • Radio Mirror Park

Of course, GTA 5 players can always change the station whenever they want.

Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.

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