Mark Hamill Encourages Female 'Star Wars' Fan to Dress as Luke Skywalker

By anyones standards, Mark Hamill is pretty badass and a wonderful man as well as a phenomenal actor. His humble support encourages everyone to be themselves and however they want to be, and this could not be clearer yesterday.

By anyone’s standards, Mark Hamill is pretty badass and a wonderful man as well as a phenomenal actor. His humble support encourages everyone to be themselves and however they want to be, and this could not be clearer yesterday.

A female fan on Twitter tweeted Mark asking if it would be okay if she dressed as Hamill’s Star Wars character Luke Skywalker to Comic Con despite the fact she is a girl:

@HamillHimself can I go to comic con as Luke Skywalker even though I'm a girl? I'm doing it anyways :) #wigsarefun

— Jess Bentley (@Joltinjessica) June 14, 2016

Gender plays no part in how you cosplay for Comic Con, according to Hamill himself. The actor is best known for bringing his character Skywalker to life in the Star Wars saga and for his extensive voice acting as the insane Joker in various Batman cartoon and game series.

He also takes the time to talk to his massive following on Twitter and he wasted no time responding to the fan:

Gender matters not when you're rocking' the Force like you are, baby! #FantasticallyForcefulFemme #JoltinJediJessica

— Mark Hamill (@MarkHamill) June 14, 2016

Anyone can play the Jedi Knight, even women, which is wonderful to hear especially coming from the man who played Luke himself! It is encouraging to those who want to cosplay or act out their favourite film characters regardless of what their gender is.

Good on you, Hamill, we love your support and positiveness!

Hamill is currently filming Episode VIII.

What do you think about this interaction? Let us know @CelebMix!

