Mariah Careys Diet And Beauty Tips

Want to look as good as Mariah Carey? Its not simple, even by Hollywood standards. She goes a little further than the traditional diet/exercise/plastic surgery route, and had nine assistants when on red carpet duty at the VH1 Save The Music Gala.

Want to look as good as Mariah Carey? It’s not simple, even by Hollywood standards. She goes a little further than the traditional diet/exercise/plastic surgery route, and had nine assistants when on red carpet duty at the VH1 Save The Music Gala.

The diva’s nine assistants performed a string of maintenance functions on her all night, keeping her flawless throughout.

One handmaiden was exclusively responsible for dispensing breast tape, reports the New York Daily News.

Another assistant wore a belt with brushes and hair spray to the dinner, while a third brought portable hot rollers.

Zee News

Obviously the hot rollers wouldn’t fit on the plumbers belt the other hair assistant was carrying of brushes. But the listed jobs only account for three of the assistants, what were the other six doing? Two for make up, one to keep an eye on her dress, one to position her into flattering angles for photos…I can’t think of any more you’d need.

Mariah doesn’t just have all this on the spot airbrushing to help her. She also has some diet tips to share.

“My secret is bleak diets,” People quoted Carey, as telling the reporters. A bleak diet consists of “basically soups and fish prepared really blandly.

Carrey also expressed her desire to improve her look. “I still feel like I have a way to go,” she said. But, the 38-year-old singer also insisted that she would never loose her womanly curves.

“I don’t feel like you have to be a size zero. We should all just embrace who we are physically. I’m not supposed to be a stick figure girl. It’s just not me,” Carey said.

Times of India
We might all be able to go on a ‘bleak diet’ (aren’t all diets bleak?) but somehow I can’t see us all being able to have nine assistants to help with the beauty routine. Doesn’t Mariah have any friends? Doesn’t she know that when you’re single, you go out with your girlfriends and they tell you when you need to reapply that lippy, tuck in those tits and peel the toilet paper off your shoes? Or is that for those of us who are cheap, and won’t pay our girlfriends to stay sober enough to recognize a wardrobe malfunction?

Picture note by Celebitchy: Mariah Carey is shown on 9/20/07 at the VH1 Save The Music 10th Anniversary Gala. Thanks to PRPhotos.

