Kevin Durant And Rihanna Have Hilarious Exchange About Coronavirus After The Basketball Star Tests P

During DJ Spades Instagram Live session, Rihanna and Kevin Durant took over the comment section with their hilarious banter. The two celebs had a super funny back and forth about the coronavirus and fans could not help but notice them even amongst the thousands of other viewers and be entertained.

During DJ Spade’s Instagram Live session, Rihanna and Kevin Durant took over the comment section with their hilarious banter. The two celebs had a super funny back and forth about the coronavirus and fans could not help but notice them even amongst the thousands of other viewers and be entertained.

It all started with Rihanna seeing KD in the chat and she proceeded to joke about him being diagnosed with the COVID-19 virus strand that has been causing panic all over the world.

‘Is KD allowed in here?? Should I wear a mask to this live?’ she joked, teasing the basketball player.

All jokes aside, she then went on to acknowledge that the topic is actually very serious, adding: ‘But for real get well soon KD [red heart emoji.]’

However, the interaction did not end there as Kevin was quick to respond, clapping back at her.

‘Yo Robyn, didn’t u just come from Europe?’ he asked, making reference to the fact that the pandemic is pretty serious in Europe as well.

He was of course, suggesting that she may be infected with coronavirus as well but that she doesn’t know yet.

‘Nah easy money s**t. Been back in [the US] the last two months,’ Rihanna replied, making it clear that she would have probably already shown symptoms by now if she had it.

Still, the man insisted that the virus was ‘lurkin’’ in Europe back in December as well, when she was there.

Indeed, it’s not impossible for Rihanna to have it still since a lot of people infected are asymptomatic but can still spread it to others.

That is when Drake joined the conversation as well, writing that: ‘We have to dead the treyfive corona jokes [laughing crying emoji.]’


As fans know, Drake and Rihanna used to date but it looks like she was not interested in replying to her ex.

