Did a Texas Man Die While Filming a TikTok on an 18-Wheeler?

News recently broke that a man in Texas had died after dancing on top of a moving 18-wheeler while filming himself, possibly for TikTok. A 25-year-old man in Texas died recently after falling off of a moving 18-wheeler. According to police reports, the man was dancing on top of the tractor-trailer unbeknownst to the driver

News recently broke that a man in Texas had died after dancing on top of a moving 18-wheeler while filming himself, possibly for TikTok.

A 25-year-old man in Texas died recently after falling off of a moving 18-wheeler. According to police reports, the man was dancing on top of the tractor-trailer unbeknownst to the driver and fell off the truck when it went under a bridge. Now, many are wondering what happened, and whether the man who died was attempting to film a video while he was on the truck.

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Was the Texas man trying to film a TikTok?

Reports suggest that the man who died may have been filming himself at the time of his death, but it's unclear whether he was doing so with the ultimate goal of posting the video to TikTok or any other social media platform.

A video of the accident was released online, and in it, you can see the man duck under one bridge before getting back on his feet to start dancing again.

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After the man fell off the truck, he landed in oncoming traffic and was eventually taken to a hospital where he later died. According to Houston Public Media, the man died from multiple blunt impact injuries.

Houston police say that the truck driver was evaluated after the incident and found not to be impaired. He was questioned by police and ultimately released without any charges being filed.

The man who died has yet to be identified, and few additional details about the case are available. Unfortunately, this seems to be a tragic accident brought on by some poor decision-making.

“We haven’t had a case like this in quite some time,” Houston Police Department spokesperson Jodi Silva said in a statement.

Clearly, this case is both tragic and a bit unusual.

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Never do anything dangerous for the likes.

We may ultimately never know what the intentions of the man on top of the truck were, but it should go without saying that putting yourself in that kind of situation to film a video is extremely dangerous.

There are plenty of things that you can do in the safety of your own home or the surrounding environment that will allow you to go viral on TikTok.

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What's more, going viral should not be your ultimate goal in life. Definitely don't endanger yourself just to film a cool video, even if it may seem like a good decision in the moment. Social media has distorted the way we interact with one another, and it certainly shouldn't be the reason that anyone dies.

Thankfully, jumping on top of a tractor-trailer doesn't seem to be a trend on any social media platform just yet, but that doesn't mean that there aren't plenty of dangerous things trending on TikTok at any given moment. There are harmless trends, too, but you should be careful if anything about the trend seems risky. Sometimes, those risks are likely to be a lot more obvious to you than they are at other times.

Hopefully, this kind of tragedy doesn't ever happen again.

