Class setup, attachments, and more

The KV Broadside is a semi-automatic Shotgun in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. It is the fastest-shooting Shotgun in the game, capable of dealing massive damage within seconds. This results in instant kill at up to three meters of range and a time-to-kill of 280ms between three to 25 meter range. However, it does

The KV Broadside is a semi-automatic Shotgun in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. It is the fastest-shooting Shotgun in the game, capable of dealing massive damage within seconds. This results in instant kill at up to three meters of range and a time-to-kill of 280ms between three to 25 meter range. However, it does have a few disadvantages.

For instance, one of the major flaws of the Shotgun is its damage output at range. This holds back the weapon from performing well on the Battle maps. However, with the help of a few attachments, most of its weaknesses can be negated and players can wield it effectively on all maps with the correct approach.

What is the best class setup for the KV Broadside in Modern Warfare 2?

KV Broadside performs brilliantly at close ranges and is highly mobile. Hence, if you plan on using the Shotgun, it would be ideal to pick a weapon that can handle close-quarter combat well. For this purpose, you can go with the FTAC Siege or X13 Auto Pistol. Both are fully automatic pistols that can also be used as an SMG.

When it comes to the Perks, you can go with Double Time, Battle Hardened, Fast Hands, and Quick Fix/High Alert. For Equipment, it is recommended to go with the Semtex, Throwing Knives, and Stun Grenades.

This class setup will help you take advantage of the strengths of the KV Broadside but won't directly impact the weapon's performance. For that, you will need to equip a few attachments.

What are the best attachments for the KV Broadside in Modern Warfare 2?

Keeping its pros and cons in mind, the following attachments are recommended for the KV Broadside in Modern Warfare 2:

  • Barrel: Gunner D20
  • Muzzle: SA MX-50
  • Ammunition: 12 Gauge Dragon's Breath
  • Magazine: 12 Shell Mag
  • Stock: VLK Stockless

Gunner D20 increases the damage range and the bullet velocity. It also helps with recoil control, which comes in handy when you tap quickly. Moreover, the Gunner D20 improves hip fire accuracy.

SA MX-50 is a suppressor. Apart from silencing the noise, it increases the damage range and bullet velocity and smoothens the recoil.

As the name suggests, 12 Gauge Dragon's Breath shoots fire ammunition that deals damage over time and is a must-have for this Shotgun. 12 Shell Mag increases the shell count per magazine from eight to 12. This allows you to shoot more without reloading your weapon.

VLK Stockless increases the aim down sight speed, sprint to fire speed, and overall movement speed with the weapon equipped. It also helps with hip fire recoil control.

How to unlock the KV Broadside in Modern Warfare 2?

KV Broadside at launch was exclusive to the Season 2 Battle Pass. However, now that the Season is over, players must complete in-game challenges to unlock the gun. To acquire this deadly weapon, all you have to do is to get 50 one-shot kills with any Shotgun in the game.

These kills must be on real enemy Operators and will not count for eliminating AI soldiers. Once unlocked, it is advised to play a few matches and level up the gun to unlock the various attachments and slots.

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