Can Zac Efron Draw?

Initially, Zac Efron was only known for his role in High School Musical. However, the depth of his talent started to become apparent as his acting career took off. This made many of his fans wonder if acting was the only thing that Zac could do.

Initially, Zac Efron was only known for his role in High School Musical. However, the depth of his talent started to become apparent as his acting career took off. This made many of his fans wonder if acting was the only thing that Zac could do.

Zac Efron can draw and paint. He has said that he fancies himself as a bit of an artist. Zac has an inherent love of the arts and has been photographed with paintings over the years. This expands the list of Zac’s talent to include acting, drawing, and singing, and dancing.

Let’s take a look at Zac’s inner artist.

Zac Told Women’s Health Magazine of His Love for Art

Zac has been seeing drawing in a few of his movies. This led many fans to questions whether he is able to draw in real life.

As it turns out, acting is not the only form of self-expression that Zac is interested in. He loves to draw, paint, and sing. In an interview with the Women’s Health Magazine, Zac mentions that he likes to draw. While we have not seen any of his paintings, we can only imagine that they are as good as some of his other work in the entertainment industry.

Zac’s love for the arts has shown in numerous ways throughout the years. He combined his love for music and the arts by posing beside a huge picture of Chance the Rapper a few years ago. Zac absolutely loves Chance and owns a lot of his merchandise (including a cap that can be seen in the picture).

Zac Also Sings

Zac is also an avid singer himself. As many of his fans will know, Zac actually sang his parts in both High School Musical 2 and High School Musical 3: Senior Year.

What you may not know is that Zac had to fight in order to be able to perform on those films. In the first film, it was Drew Steely who sang Zac’s part, while the rest of the main cast sang themselves. Zac has stated in interviews that he has no idea why he wasn’t allowed to sing in the first film. Still, being the humble guy that he is, he admits that Drew is the better singer.

Zac caught flak from some of the fans when he did not participate in the High School Musical Reunion sing-along. As it turned out, Zac was in Papa New Guinea and did not have a good enough Wi-Fi connection to be able to connect to the stream. At least, Zac introduced the performance through a recorded video.

Lastly, if Zac isn’t good at something, he learns. He recalls that he couldn’t dance properly during his High School Musical days. He had been trained to play sports, and dancing was something that did not come naturally to him.

Just a few years later, there are tons of videos of him dancing in a perfect manner. This shows the immense dedication that Zac went through to perfect his talent. Success does not come easy, even when you look like Zac Efron!

